
追溯歷史長河,智慧之光熠熠生輝!本期成語Talk show精選往昔精彩,引領您深入成語的寶庫,重溫那些跨越時空的智慧之聲與哲理寓言。 讓我們攜手遨遊於成語的浩瀚之海,重新聆聽那些跨越世紀仍熠熠生輝的故事與深邃哲理,共同感受中華文化的獨特魅力與不朽智慧。 在豐富多彩的寓言與傳說中,白兔與月亮寓意著擁有未必帶來快樂,提醒我們珍惜內心的寧靜;金玉良緣則象征著美好姻緣,如同珍寶般難得;琴瑟和鳴描繪瞭夫妻間和諧美滿的生活,如樂器合奏般和諧動聽。驛使梅花傳遞著遠方的溫情與思念,展現瞭友情與親情的跨越時空之美。獅子和老鼠的故事教會我們不應以貌取人,因為弱小也能在關鍵時刻展現力量。大力神與農夫的寓言揭示瞭勤勞與智慧的價值,即使神明也需借助凡人的智慧。一箭雙雕形容技藝高超,一舉兩得;而鵬程萬裡則寄托瞭對遠大前程的美好祝願,象征著宏偉的志向與不懈的追求。這些故事共同編織瞭一幅幅寓意深刻、生動多彩的人生畫卷。 現在,就是您分享的時刻!請告訴我們,哪個成語故事最讓您心潮澎湃?它又怎樣悄然在您的生命中播下瞭啟迪與感悟的種子?

Hello everyone, welcome to the We Radio Idiom Talk Show. We'll continue to revisit previous episodes, guiding you through the world of idioms and exploring timeless wisdom. Let us embark together on a voyage through the vast ocean of idioms, rediscovering stories and profound philosophies that continue to shine brightly across centuries. Together, let us appreciate the unique charm and enduring wisdom of Chinese culture.

In the rich tapestry of fables and legends, the story of "White Rabbit and the Moon" imparts the wisdom that possession does not always bring joy, reminding us to cherish inner peace. "The Marriage of Gold and Jade" symbolizes a rare and beautiful union, akin to a precious treasure. "As harmonious as a lute and psaltery together" portrays the harmonious and fulfilling life of a couple, akin to the melodious symphony of two musical instruments. "Post a Blossom to Missed Relatives" conveys the warmth and longing from afar, showcasing the timeless beauty of friendship and familial bonds transcending space and time.  "The Lion & the Mouse" teaches us not to judge by appearances, for even the weak can demonstrate strength in crucial moments. "Hercules and the Waggoner" reveals the value of diligence and wisdom, emphasizing that even gods may require the insight of mortals. "Two hawks with one arrow" describes exceptional skill, achieving two goals with a single action. Meanwhile, "A Roc' s flight of ten thousand miles" embodies aspirations for a brilliant future, symbolizing ambitious dreams and unwavering pursuit. Together, these stories weave a vibrant and profound tapestry of life, imbued with deep meanings and vivid imagery.

Feel free to leave a comment and share your favorite idiom story. What inspiration or insight has it given you?

第一百三十七期  白兔與月亮

White Rabbit and the Moon

第一百三十八期:金玉良緣 The Marriage of Gold and Jade

第一百三十九期:琴瑟和鳴 As harmonious as a lute and psaltery together


Post a Blossom to Missed Relatives


The Lion & the Mouse


Hercules and the Waggoner


Two hawks with one arrow 

第一百四十四期:鵬程萬裡 A Roc' s flight of ten thousand miles


The Lion & the Mouse

總監:源啟 Director, Andy 主編:郭軒竹
Chief Editor, Xuanzhu Guo 標識設計:王靖遠 LogoDesign:Jingyuan Wang 記者:任思睿 William Bird 開場詞:王子都  Zidu Wang, Xiao Yang, Xuanzhu Guo Founder: May Zhao 創辦人:趙雪湄

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