
成語talk show



上 聯:調和六腑通四脈



嘉賓介紹 葉錦添 ,奧斯卡“最佳美術設計”獎、香港電影金像獎、最佳美術指導和最佳服裝造型設計等大獎得主,服裝設計師和視覺藝術傢。 Timmy Yip ,  Costume Designer and Visual Artist. Widely considered the best Art Director and Costume Modelling Design. He is Winner of the Oscar for "Best Art Design" and also Hong Kong Film Award winner.

Feng Chen  is Vice President of the International Health Qigong Federation which is composed of 105 member associations from 54 countries and regions. As a veteran UN interpreter, he has worked for heads of state and government of nearly 200 countries, including the late Queen Elizabeth, more than 10 UK Prime Ministers and many of Chinese national leadership.  陳峰 是 現任國際健身氣功聯合會副主席,該組織由54個國傢和地區的105個成員機構組成。他作為聯合國的資深同聲傳譯,共為近二百個國傢的元首和政府首腦擔任過翻譯,包括已故伊麗莎白女王、十多位英國首相和多位中國國傢領導人。


xī xī xiāng guān

歡迎收聽微電臺 成語talk show節目,我是葉錦添。今天我給大傢介紹的成語是: 息息相關(xī xī xiāng guān),意指呼吸之間相互關聯,通常形容關系密切,利害相關。


第五屆世界健身氣功日的主題是“息息相關六字訣” ,揭示生命的奧秘就在呼與吸之間,從中醫和養生的角度更形象貼切地解釋瞭“息息相關” 這個成語的含義,隱喻瞭健身氣功所強調的人與人、人與自然密切相關的思想體系,同時也提醒我們必須運用通過科學的方法合理鍛煉,增強身心健康,延年益壽。 讓我們一起體驗“息息相關-六字訣”,享受生命,造福世人! 六字訣書法: 劉桂敏 Welcome to We Radio, the Idio m Talk Show. I am Feng Chen. The idiom I want to share with you today is: “ xī xī xiāng guān ” or closely related. It originally refers to the close relationship between breaths and is now extended to mean an intricate relationship or a vital stake. Consisting of such practice routines as Eight Silken Brocades, Five Animal Games and Six Healing Sounds, Health Qigong is a health cultivation approach handed down from ancient China. It is also a traditional exercise that integrates physical activity, respiration and mental regulation as the main forms of exercise. Among those routines, Liuzijue or the Six Healing Sounds was first found in Tao Hongjing' s Records of Temperament Cultivation and Life Extension in the Southern and Northern Dynasties of 420-589 AD. Liuzijue is based on respiration with six unique exhalation sounds of "xū, hē, hū, sī, chuī and xī", supplemented by corresponding body movements and mind concentration to regulate, according to the Five Elements Theory, the five major systems of the human body, i.e., the liver, heart, spleen, lungs and kidneys and the Triple Burners as well as the flow of Qi along the body’s meridians. This helps keep the ligaments and muscles soft and flexible, strengthen the bones, improve the lungs and regulate the mind, thus improving one’s health, recovery and longevity. In the practice, the body, Qi and spirit are intertwined and closely connected. “Liuzijue —Life between Breaths” (or xī xī xiāng guān liù zì jué) is the theme of the Fifth World Health Qigong Day. It reveals that life exists between an exhaling breath and the next inhalation. It interprets more vividly and precisely the meaning of the idiom "xī xī xiāng guān" from the perspective of Chinese medicine and health preservation. It implies the emphasis in Health Qigong philosophy on the close relationships between people, and between man and nature. It also reminds us that we must use scientific empirical methods to exercise rationally, improve both physical and mental health, and prolong life. Let us practice breathing together, enjoy life, and benefit the world!

總監:源啟 Director, Andy 主編:郭軒竹 Chief Editor, Xuanzhu Guo 編輯:楊曉雪 Editor, Xiaoxue Yang 標識設計:王靖遠 LogoDesign:Jingyuan Wang 記者:任思睿 William Bird 楹聯:王子都 何勤 中文嘉賓:葉錦添 ChineseBroadcast:Ye Jintian 英文嘉賓:陳峰 English Broadcast: Feng Chen 顧問:傑裡米·哈克特 施曉瑜 羅文·西蒙 Consultant:Jeremy Hackett, Xiaoyu Shi Rowan Simon  顧問:安德魯.維金斯 解餘宏 托尼-查爾茲 Consultant: Andrew Wiggins  Yuhong Xie  Tony Childs Founder: May Zhao 創辦人:趙雪湄

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