
重溫經典,智慧再現!本期成語talk show將繼續回顧往期精彩內容,邀您一同漫步成語的海洋,再次聆聽那些穿越時空而來的故事與哲理。 “天下無雙”,彰顯瞭卓越與獨一無二的品質,激勵我們追求卓越,成為與眾不同的存在。“掩耳盜鈴”的故事則提醒我們,欺騙自己終究無法掩蓋真相,需要面對現實,勇敢承擔責任。“北風和太陽”的寓言講述瞭溫和的力量勝過強硬的道理,教會我們在與人相處時,善意和柔和往往更具力量。“月亮和她的媽媽”的故事,或許能激發您心中那份溫柔守護與夢幻想象的共鳴。“南轅北轍”這個成語警示我們,目標與行動不一致,最終隻會事與願違,啟示我們在制定計劃時要保持一致性。“白兔與月亮”的寓言則教會我們,擁有並非一切,懂得珍惜與放下才是幸福之道。“月下老人”代表瞭姻緣與愛情的美好期盼,鼓勵我們相信緣分和命運的安排。“相敬如賓”則展示瞭夫妻之間相互尊重和關愛的理想狀態。“鵬程萬裡”中的大鵬展翅高飛的壯志,激勵我們不斷前行,勇敢追夢,展望美好的未來。 快來留言分享,你最愛的成語故事是哪一個?它給瞭你怎樣的啟示或感悟?

Hello everyone, this is we radio idiom talk show. We will continue to review the previous episodes. We invite you to dive into the ocean of idioms.

“There is no one else in the world” highlights the quality of excellence and uniqueness, and inspires us to pursue excellence and become a unique being.

The story of “Covering our ears and stealing our bells” reminds us that we can't hide the truth by deceiving ourselves, and we need to face reality and bravely take responsibility.

The fable of “The North Wind and the Sun” tells us that gentleness is more powerful than strength, and teaches us that kindness and softness are often more powerful in dealing with others.

The story of “The Moon and Her Mother” may inspire a gentle guardianship and dreamy imagination in your heart.

The idiom of “The way to the south is the way to the north” reminds us that inconsistency between goals and actions will only result in the opposite of what we want, and inspires us to be consistent in our plans.

The fable of “The White Rabbit and the Moon” teaches us that possession is not everything, and that the way to happiness is to know how to cherish and let go.

The “Old Man Under the Moon” represents the hope of marriage and love, and encourages us to believe in fate and destiny.

“Respect each other as guests” demonstrates the ideal state of mutual respect and care between husband and wife.

In “Ten Thousand Miles by the Roc”, the roc spreads its wings and soars high, inspiring us to keep moving forward, bravely pursuing our dreams and looking forward to a bright future.

Come and leave a comment sharing your favourite idiom story. What inspiration or insight has it given you?

Unparalleled in the World


Covering One's Ears to Steal a Bell

第一百三十期:北風和太陽 The North Wind & the Sun


The Moon and Her Mother

第一百三十二期 南轅北轍

Going South by Driving the Carriage North


White Rabbit and the Moon


Old man under the moon


Respect as a guest

第一百三十六期:鵬程萬裡 A Roc's flight of ten thousand miles

總監:源啟 Director, Andy 主編:郭軒竹
Chief Editor, Xuanzhu Guo 編輯:黃依依
Editor, Yiyi Huang 標識設計:王靖遠 LogoDesign:Jingyuan Wang 記者:任思睿 William Bird 開場詞:王子都  Zidu Wang, Xiao Yang, Yiyi Huang Founder: May Zhao 創辦人:趙雪湄

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