寓言 talk show



上聯:拜觀音求菩薩自渡乃天道 下聯:於國傢對個人實力為先決 本期寓言書法:英國詩書畫學會永遠名譽會長 楊希雪  Hai Shuet Yeung ,Honorary Life President of The Chinese Poetry Calligraphy & Painting Society of UK  本期楹聯顧問:英國詩書畫學會會長 許健礎 Jianchu Xu, President of The Chinese Poetry Calligraphy & Painting Society of UK  嘉賓介紹

趙宇瑛, 海南電視臺播音主持一姐,其甜美聲音風鈴一般將串串成語傳進人們的耳朵和心靈。

Yingyu Zhao,  The head anchor of Hainan TV, majored in broadcast hosting. Her sweet voice is like a wind chime, spreading moving idioms into people's ears and hearts.

托馬斯 · 歐文在大英圖書館工作。大英圖書館是世界最大的圖書館之一,是2022年倫敦書展的重要參展機構。他的團隊委托他方出版小說和非小說類書籍,供大英圖書館的館藏和檔案館收藏。大英圖書館還舉辦展覽,並擁有世界上最大的地圖收藏之一,所以他們也在寫一些關於地圖的文獻典籍。他們有許多不同系列的書籍。

Thomas Irvine works at the British Library, one of the largest libraries in the world and one of the key exhibitors at the London Book Fair 2022. His team commissions others to publish books, both fiction and non-fiction, for the collections and archives of the British Library to fill gaps. The British Library also hosts exhibitions; and has one of the largest collections of maps in the world. So they're also writing some about maps. They have many different series of books.


Hercules and the Waggoner

歡迎收聽微電臺,寓言talk show節目,我是宇瑛。今天我給大傢講的寓言故事是:大力神與車夫。 一名車夫趕著馬車,沿著一條非常泥濘的小路前行。 突然,馬車的輪子陷入瞭泥潭,馬無法將它們拉出來。 車夫扔下鞭子,跪在地上,祈求大力神的出現:“大力神啊,請來幫幫我吧”,他說。 大力神出現瞭,卻說道:“朋友,用你的肩膀把車輪扛起來,再驅趕馬兒把車拉上來吧,跪在那裡祈求我有什麼用呢?”

Hello everyone, this is we radio, the fables talk show. I am Thomas Irvine. The name of the story I will tell you today is: Hercules and the Waggoner.

A waggoner was driving his team along a muddy lane with a full load behind them, when the wheels of his waggon sank so deep in the mire that no efforts of his horses could move them. 

As he stood there, looking helplessly on, and calling loudly at intervals upon Hercules for assistance, the god himself appeared, and said to him, “Put your shoulder to the wheel, man, and goad on your horses, and then you may call on Hercules to assist you. If you won’t lift a finger to help yourself, you can’t expect Hercules or any one else to come to your aid.”

Heaven helps those who help themselves.


Director, Andy

主編:郭軒竹 Chief Editor, Xuanzhu Guo
Editor, Yiyi Huang

標識設計:王靖遠 LogoDesign:Jingyuan Wang 記者:任思睿 王子都 TechnicalSupport:Andrew Wiggins 英文嘉賓:托馬斯 · 歐文 EnglishBroadcast:Thomas Irvine 中文主播:趙宇瑛 ChineseBroadcast:Yingyu Zhao 鳴謝: 英國詩書畫學會 Thanks:The Chinese Poetry Calligraphy & Painting Society of UK Founder: May Zhao 創辦人:趙雪湄

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