歡迎收聽微電臺 成語talk show




Lloyd Kembrey , works for Jessie May.  Jessie May (Charity organization), was founded in 1996. Their specialist nurses provide at home nursing and respite care for children and young people(under 19 years old) that have a terminal or life-limiting condition.       勞埃德·肯佈裡 ,在傑西梅慈善機構工作。該機構成立於1996年,機構的專業護士為患有晚期疾病或不治之癥的兒童和青少年(19歲以下)提供傢庭護理和臨終關懷服務。

林未未 ,十六歲,英國花樣滑冰小選手,花滑英錦賽選手,成績優異。中英雙語俱佳。 Ruby Lin , 16 years old, is a young British figure skating contestant. She participated in the British Figure Skating Championships achieving excellent results, Both her Chinese and English are good.


Three Moves by Mencius' Mother

歡迎收聽英國河北微電臺 成語talk show,我是林未未,今天我給大傢講的成語故事是——“孟母三遷”。





Hello everyone, this is UK Hebei we radio , idiom talk show. I am Lloyd Kembrey. the name of the story I will tell you today is: Three Moves by Mencius' Mother. Meng Ke' s mother, also known as Mencius' mother, is a great mother of Zou State. To ensure her son got a good education, she moved her family three times.  When Mencius was a child, he lived near a graveyard. Therefore, he often played near the grave and imitated people' s crying or digging the tombs. When his mother saw this, she said: "It is not a good place for a child to live in." Then she moved the family to a house near a market. Soon Mencius began imitating people’s hawking and bargaining. He found it interesting and played again and again. His mother found this place still not good for a child to live in. She decided to move away again. At last they settled down near a school. Before long, Mencius began imitating the students’ reading and writing. He became more polite and hardworking. Then his mother said: "This is a good place for a child to live in." They settled there. After Meng Ke grew up, he acquired six classical arts (rites, music, archery, riding, writing and arithmetic) and became a scholar wellknown for his erudition and one of the representatives of Confucianism. This story tells us a good educational environment is very important for children.

總監:源啟 Director, Andy 主編:王奕迪 Chief Editor, Yidi Wang 標識設計:王靖遠 Logo Design, Jingyuan Wang 記者:任思睿 王子都 TechnicalSupport:Andrew Wiggins 中文嘉賓:林未未 Chinese Broadcast: Weiwei Lin 英文嘉賓:勞埃德·肯佈裡 English Broadcast: Lloyd Kembrey Founder: May Zhao 創辦人:趙雪湄

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