歡迎收聽微電臺 成語talk show



成語書法:寇學臣 嘉賓介紹 葉錦添 ,奧斯卡“最佳美術設計”獎、香港電影金像獎、最佳美術指導和最佳服裝造型設計等大獎得主,服裝設計師和視覺藝術傢。 Timmy Yip, Costume Designer and Visual Artist. Widely considered the best Art Director and Costume Modelling Design. He is Winner of the Oscar for "Best Art Design" and also Hong Kong Film Award winner.

Chris Murphy is a commentator for the Professional Darts Corporation (PDC). Chris commentates on Players Championship and European Tour Darts on PDC.TV, and has also covered the World Darts Championship on Talksport radio. 


Tao Follows Nature 歡迎收聽微電臺 成語talk show節目,我是葉錦添。今天我們給大傢講解的成語是:道法自然。 有一種物體混混沌沌、無邊無際、無象無音、渾然一體,早在開天辟地之前它就已經存在。它獨一無二,無雙無對,永遠不會改變,卻又周流於萬物永遠不會停止,它可以作為世間天地萬物乃至宇宙的根本。 我不知它究竟何名,於是用“道”來作它的名,勉強的稱其為“大”。這個“大”,不停地運化,也就是說它無處不在、無遠不至,穿行於古往今來、八荒六合,到達極遠處(指萬物生成之後)又自然返回於原初。 正因為道是如此無窮無盡,既生成宇宙萬物,又使萬物回歸道,所以說道很大,而順從於道的天、地、人也都很大。宇宙有四“大”,人也是其中之一。人遵循地的規律特性,地效法於天,天以道作為運行的依據,而道自然而然。 我們在強調萬物的自然時,千萬不要忘記賦予萬物自然的大道,否則就是無原之水、無本之末瞭。“獨立不改”、“虛而不屈,動而愈出”、“無為而無不為”、“反者道之動”,是道之自然。長生久視、純精至和,歸根復命,安平泰,是物尤其是人之自然。 如果人不能得其自然,即是“不道”,“不道早已”。故而當人不自然之時,則需要采取相應的對治措施,以復其自然。因此我們說,自然不僅是大道的特性,也是萬物的屬性。 Hello everyone, this is we radio, idiom talk show. I am Chris Murphy. The name of the story I will tell you today is: Tao follows nature. There is an object that is chaotic, infinite, without image and sound, and integrated into one. It already existed long before the world was opened up. It is unique, unparalleled and unrighteous.  It will never change, but it will never stop circulating in all things. It can be used as the foundation of the universe. I don' t know what its name is, so I use "Tao" as its name and reluctantly call it "big". This "big" is constantly moving and transforming, which means it is everywhere and far away. It travels through ancient times and the present, and reaches the extreme distance (referring to the generation of all things) and naturally returns to the original. It is precisely because Tao is so infinite, that it generates everything in the universe and returns everything to Tao, so it is said to be huge, and the heavens, earth, and people who obey the Tao are also huge.  There are four "big" in the universe, and humans are one of them. Man follows the laws and characteristics of the earth, the earth imitates the sky, the sky uses the Tao as the basis for its operation, and the Tao is natural. 總監:源啟 Director, Andy 主編:郭軒竹 Chief Editor, Xuanzhu Guo 標識設計:王靖遠 LogoDesign:Jingyuan Wang 記者:任思睿  楹聯:王子都 何勤 英文嘉賓:克裡斯·墨菲 EnglishBroadcast:Chris Murphy 中文嘉賓:葉錦添 ChineseBroadcast:Ye Jintian 顧問:傑裡米·哈克特 施曉瑜 羅文·西蒙 Consultant:Jeremy Hackett, Xiaoyu Shi Rowan Simon  Founder: May Zhao 創辦人:趙雪湄

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